Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

A course in circuit analysis is perhaps the first exposure students have to electrical engineering. This is also a place where we can enhance some of the skills that they will later need as they learn how to design.

An important part of this book is our 121 design a problem problems.

These problems were developed to enhance skills that are an important part of the design process. We know it is not possible to fully develop a student’s design skills in a fundamental course like circuits.

To fully develop design skills a student needs a design experience normally reserved for their senior year. This does not mean that some of those skills cannot be developed and exercised in a circuits course.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

A very important advantage to our textbook, we have a total of 2,481 Examples, Practice Problems, Review Questions, and End-of-Chapter Problems! Answers are provided for all practice problems and the odd numbered end-of-chapter problems.

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Contents of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

PART 1 : DC Circuits

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts 
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Systems of Units 5
1.3 Charge and Current 6
1.4 Voltage 9
1.5 Power and Energy 10
1.6 Circuit Elements 14
1.7 Applications 16
1.7.1 TV Picture Tube
1.7.2 Electricity Bills
1.8 Problem Solving 19
1.9 Summary 22
Review Questions 23
Problems 24
Comprehensive Problems 26
Chapter 2 Basic Laws 
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Ohm’s Law 30
2.3 Nodes, Branches, and Loops 35
2.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws 37
2.5 Series Resistors and Voltage Division 43
2.6 Parallel Resistors and Current Division 44
2.7 Wye-Delta Transformations 51
Delta to Wye Conversion
Wye to Delta Conversion
2.8 Applications 57
2.8.1 Lighting Systems
2.8.2 Design of DC Meters
2.9 Summary 63
Review Questions 64
Problems 65
Comprehensive Problems 77
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis 
3.1 Introduction 80
3.2 Nodal Analysis 80
3.3 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources 86
3.4 Mesh Analysis 91
3.5 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources 96
3.6 Nodal and Mesh Analyses
by Inspection 98
3.7 Nodal Versus Mesh Analysis 102
3.8 Circuit Analysis with PSpice 103
3.9 Applications: DC Transistor Circuits 105
3.10 Summary 110
Review Questions 111
Problems 112
Comprehensive Problem 124
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems 125
4.1 Introduction 126
4.2 Linearity Property 126
4.3 Superposition 128
4.4 Source Transformation 133
4.5 Thevenin’s Theorem 137
4.6 Norton’s Theorem 143
4.7 Derivations of Thevenin’s
and Norton’s Theorems 147
4.8 Maximum Power Transfer 148
4.9 Verifying Circuit Theorems
with PSpice 150
4.10 Applications 153
4.10.1 Source Modeling
4.10.2 Resistance Measurement
4.11 Summary 158
Review Questions 159
Problems 160
Comprehensive Problems 171
Chapter 5 Operational Amplifiers 173
5.1 Introduction 174
5.2 Operational Amplifiers 174
5.3 Ideal Op Amp 178
5.4 Inverting Amplifier 179
5.5 Noninverting Amplifier 181
5.6 Summing Amplifier 183
5.7 Difference Amplifier 185
5.8 Cascaded Op Amp Circuits 189
5.9 Op Amp Circuit Analysis with PSpice 192
5.10 Applications 194
5.10.1 Digital-to-Analog Converter
5.10.2 Instrumentation Amplifiers
5.11 Summary 197
Review Questions 199
Problems 200
Comprehensive Problems 211
Chapter 6 Capacitors and Inductors 213
6.1 Introduction 214
6.2 Capacitors 214
6.3 Series and Parallel Capacitors 220
6.4 Inductors 224
6.5 Series and Parallel Inductors 228
6.6 Applications 231
6.6.1 Integrator
6.6.2 Differentiator
6.6.3 Analog Computer
6.7 Summary 238
Review Questions 239
Problems 240
Comprehensive Problems 249
Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits 251
7.1 Introduction 252
7.2 The Source-Free RC Circuit 253
7.3 The Source-Free RL Circuit 257
7.4 Singularity Functions 263
7.5 Step Response of an RC Circuit 271
7.6 Step Response of an RL Circuit 278
7.7 First-Order Op Amp Circuits 282
7.8 Transient Analysis with PSpice 287
7.9 Applications 291
7.9.1 Delay Circuits
7.9.2 Photoflash Unit
7.9.3 Relay Circuits
7.9.4 Automobile Ignition Circuit
7.10 Summary 297
Review Questions 298
Problems 299
Comprehensive Problems 309
Chapter 8 Second-Order Circuits 311
8.1 Introduction 312
8.2 Finding Initial and Final Values 313
8.3 The Source-Free Series
RLC Circuit 317
8.4 The Source-Free Parallel
RLC Circuit 324
8.5 Step Response of a Series RLC
Circuit 329
8.6 Step Response of a Parallel RLC
Circuit 334
8.7 General Second-Order Circuits 337
8.8 Second-Order Op Amp Circuits 342
8.9 PSpice Analysis of RLC Circuits 344
8.10 Duality 348
8.11 Applications 351
8.11.1 Automobile Ignition System
8.11.2 Smoothing Circuits
8.12 Summary 354
Review Questions 355
Problems 356
Comprehensive Problems 365


PART 2 : AC Circuits

Chapter 9 Sinusoids and Phasors 
9.1 Introduction 368
9.2 Sinusoids 369
9.3 Phasors 374
9.4 Phasor Relationships for
Circuit Elements 383
9.5 Impedance and Admittance 385
9.6 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency
Domain 387
9.7 Impedance Combinations 388
9.8 Applications 394
9.8.1 Phase-Shifters
9.8.2 AC Bridges
9.9 Summary 400
Review Questions 401
Problems 401
Comprehensive Problems 409
Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 
10.1 Introduction 412
10.2 Nodal Analysis 412
10.3 Mesh Analysis 415
10.4 Superposition Theorem 419
10.5 Source Transformation 422
10.6 Thevenin and Norton
Equivalent Circuits 424
10.7 Op Amp AC Circuits 429
10.8 AC Analysis Using PSpice 431
10.9 Applications 435
10.9.1 Capacitance Multiplier
10.9.2 Oscillators
10.10 Summary 439
Review Questions 439
Problems 441
Chapter 11 AC Power Analysis 
11.1 Introduction 456
11.2 Instantaneous and Average Power 456
11.3 Maximum Average Power Transfer 462
11.4 Effective or RMS Value 465
11.5 Apparent Power and
Power Factor 468
11.6 Complex Power 471
11.7 Conservation of AC Power 475
11.8 Power Factor Correction 479
11.9 Applications 481
11.9.1 Power Measurement
11.9.2 Electricity Consumption Cost
11.10 Summary 486
Review Questions 488
Problems 488
Comprehensive Problems 498
Chapter 12 Three-Phase Circuits 
12.1 Introduction 502
12.2 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 503
12.3 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection 507
12.4 Balanced Wye-Delta Connection 510
12.5 Balanced Delta-Delta
Connection 512
12.6 Balanced Delta-Wye Connection 514
12.7 Power in a Balanced System 517
12.8 Unbalanced Three-Phase
Systems 523
12.9 PSpice for Three-Phase Circuits 527
12.10 Applications 532
12.10.1 Three-Phase Power Measurement
12.10.2 Residential Wiring
Chapter 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 
13.1 Introduction 554
13.2 Mutual Inductance 555
13.3 Energy in a Coupled Circuit 562
13.4 Linear Transformers 565
13.5 Ideal Transformers 571
13.6 Ideal Autotransformers 579
13.7 Three-Phase Transformers 582
13.8 PSpice Analysis of Magnetically
Coupled Circuits 584
13.9 Applications 589
13.9.1 Transformer as an Isolation Device
13.9.2 Transformer as a Matching Device
13.9.3 Power Distribution
13.10 Summary 595
Review Questions 596
Problems 597
Comprehensive Problems 609
Chapter 14 Frequency Response
14.1 Introduction 612
14.2 Transfer Function 612
14.3 The Decibel Scale 615
14.4 Bode Plots 617
14.5 Series Resonance 627
14.6 Parallel Resonance 632
14.7 Passive Filters 635
14.7.1 Low-Pass Filter
14.7.2 High-Pass Filter
14.7.3 Band-Pass Filter
14.7.4 Band-Stop Filter
14.8 Active Filters 640
14.8.1 First-Order Low-Pass Filter
14.8.2 First-Order High-Pass Filter
14.8.3 Band-Pass Filter
14.8.4 Band-Reject (or Notch) Filter
14.9 Scaling 646
14.9.1 Magnitude Scaling
14.9.2 Frequency Scaling
14.9.3 Magnitude and Frequency Scaling

PART 3 Advanced Circuit Analysis

Chapter 15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform 
15.1 Introduction 674
15.2 Definition of the Laplace Transform 675
15.3 Properties of the Laplace Transform 677
15.4 The Inverse Laplace Transform 688
15.4.1 Simple Poles
15.4.2 Repeated Poles
15.4.3 Complex Poles
15.5 The Convolution Integral 695
15.6 Application to Integro differential Equations 703
15.7 Summary 706
Review Questions 706
Problems 707
Chapter 16 Applications of the Laplace Transform 
16.1 Introduction 714
16.2 Circuit Element Models 715
16.3 Circuit Analysis 720
16.4 Transfer Functions 724
16.5 State Variables 728
16.6 Applications 735
16.6.1 Network Stability
16.6.2 Network Synthesis
16.7 Summary 743
Review Questions 744
Problems 745
Comprehensive Problems 756
Chapter 17 The Fourier Series 757
17.1 Introduction 758
17.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series 759
17.3 Symmetry Considerations 766
17.3.1 Even Symmetry
17.3.2 Odd Symmetry
17.3.3 Half-Wave Symmetry
17.4 Circuit Applications 776
17.5 Average Power and RMS Values 780
17.6 Exponential Fourier Series 783
17.7 Fourier Analysis with PSpice 789
17.7.1 Discrete Fourier Transform
17.7.2 Fast Fourier Transform
17.8 Applications 795
17.8.1 Spectrum Analyzers
17.8.2 Filters
17.9 Summary 798
Review Questions 800
Problems 800
Comprehensive Problems 809
Chapter 18 Fourier Transform 811
18.1 Introduction 812
18.2 Definition of the Fourier Transform 812
18.3 Properties of the Fourier
Transform 818
18.4 Circuit Applications 831
18.5 Parseval’s Theorem 834
18.6 Comparing the Fourier and
Laplace Transforms 837
18.7 Applications 838
18.7.1 Amplitude Modulation
18.7.2 Sampling
18.8 Summary 841
Review Questions 842
Problems 843
Comprehensive Problems 849
Chapter 19 Two-Port Networks
19.1 Introduction 852
19.2 Impedance Parameters 853
19.3 Admittance Parameters 857
19.4 Hybrid Parameters 860
19.5 Transmission Parameters 865
19.6 Relationships Between Parameters 870
19.7 Interconnection of Networks 873
19.8 Computing Two-Port Parameters Using PSpice 879
19.9 Applications 882
19.9.1 Transistor Circuits
19.9.2 Ladder Network Synthesis
19.10 Summary 891
Review Questions 892
Problems 892
Comprehensive Problem 903

Objective of this Book

The main objective of the sixth edition of this book remains the same as the previous editions—to present circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other circuit textbooks, and to assist the student in beginning to see the “fun” in engineering. This objective is achieved in the following ways:

• Chapter Openers and Summaries
Each chapter opens with a discussion about how to enhance skills which contribute to successful problem solving as well as successful careers or a career-oriented talk on a sub discipline of electrical engineering. This is followed by an introduction that links the chapter with the previous chapters and states the chapter objectives. The chapter ends with a summary of key points and formulas.

• Problem-Solving Methodology
Chapter 1 introduces a six-step method for solving circuit problems which is used consistently throughout the book and media supplements to promote best-practice problem-solving procedures.

• Student-Friendly Writing Style
All principles are presented in a lucid, logical, step-by-step manner.
As much as possible, we avoid wordiness and giving too much detail that could hide concepts and impede overall understanding of the material.

• Boxed Formulas and Key Terms
Important formulas are boxed as a means of helping students sort out what is essential from what is not. Also, to ensure that students clearly understand the key elements of the subject matter, key terms are defined and highlighted.

Margin Notes
Marginal notes are used as a pedagogical aid. They serve multiple uses such as hints, cross-references, more exposition, warnings, reminders not to make some particular common mistakes, and problemsolving insights.

• Worked Examples
Thoroughly worked examples are liberally given at the end of every section. The examples are regarded as a part of the text and are clearly explained without asking the reader to fill in missing steps.
Thoroughly worked examples give students a good understanding of the solution process and the confidence to solve problems themselves.
Some of the problems are solved in two or three different ways to facilitate a substantial comprehension of the subject material as well as a comparison of different approaches.

• Practice Problems
To give students practice opportunity, each illustrative example is immediately followed by a practice problem with the answer. The student can follow the example step-by-step to aid in the solution of the practice problem without flipping pages or looking at the end of the book for answers. The practice problem is also intended to test a student’s understanding of the preceding example. It will reinforce their grasp of the material before the student can move on to the next section. Complete solutions to the practice problems are available to students on the website.

• Application Sections
The last section in each chapter is devoted to practical application aspects of the concepts covered in the chapter. The material covered in the chapter is applied to at least one or two practical problems or devices. This helps students see how the concepts are applied to real-life situations.

• Review Questions
Ten review questions in the form of multiple-choice objective items are provided at the end of each chapter with answers. The review questions are intended to cover the little “tricks” that the examples and end-of-chapter problems may not cover. They serve as a self test device and help students determine how well they have mastered the chapter.

Organization of this Book

This book was written for a two-semester or three-quarter course in linear circuit analysis. The book may also be used for a one-semester course by a proper selection of chapters and sections by the instructor. It is broadly divided into three parts.

Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 8, is devoted to dc circuits. It covers the fundamental laws and theorems, circuits techniques, and passive and active elements.

Part 2, which contains Chapter 9 to 14, deals with ac circuits. It introduces phasors, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, ac power, rms values, three-phase systems, and frequency response.

Part 3, consisting of Chapters 15 to 19, are devoted to advanced techniques for network analysis. It provides students with a solid introduction to the Laplace transform, Fourier series, Fourier transform, and two-port network analysis.

The material in the three parts is more than sufficient for a two-semester course, so the instructor must select which chapters or sections to cover.

Sections marked with the dagger sign (†) may be skipped, explained briefly, or assigned as homework. They can be omitted without loss of continuity. Each chapter has plenty of problems grouped according to the sections of the related material and diverse enough that the instructor can choose some as examples and assign some as homework.


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