Buying a Used Oscilloscope: A Guide to Help You Decide

When it comes to buying a new oscilloscope, there are many factors you need to consider. From cost, to features, and even resale value — all of these things play a role in your decision. However, when it comes to buying a used oscilloscope, the process can be much more difficult. How so?

Well, because used oscilloscopes often end up sitting on the market for an extended period of time. Many people don’t realize how much value there is in owning an older model that still has great functionality. After all, there are so many things that can change over time with new software updates, hardware revisions, and operating system bug fixes.

This article explores some key considerations you need to make before purchasing a used oscilloscope, so you end up making the right decision for your needs.

Know what you are looking for

Before you even step foot into a used oscilloscope market, you need to know exactly what you are looking for. There are a lot of factors to consider when purchasing an oscilloscope. This includes the costs, functionality, and resale value — all of which play a role in your decision. Therefore, knowing what you are looking for, can help you narrow down your search for used oscilloscopes. First, you need to decide what type of oscilloscope you are looking for: a refurbished oscilloscope, a used benchtop, or a used portable? Next, you need to decide what specific features are important to you. This includes things like the brand, the model, the features, and the prices. With this information, you can start to filter down the available choices and make a purchase.

Understand the differences between brands and models

When looking to purchase a used oscilloscope, you will likely run into many different brands and models. However, many people often make the mistake of believing they are purchasing a specific model. As a result, they often don’t understand the significant differences between brands and models.

For example, let’s say you are looking to purchase a used HP4120A model. While this is a high-end model, it is not the only brand that uses this model number. In fact, many other brands use the same model number as well. This means that, when it comes to the used oscilloscope market, you will likely find a number of models with the same name as the original.

In order to figure out which one is actually a used oscilloscope, you need to understand the different branding and model numbers used by brands.

Compare the key features of different osciloscopes

Next, you will want to start comparing the key features of the different used oscilloscopes you are considering. This includes things like the prices, brand, and the condition of the used oscilloscope. With this information, you can start comparing the available models and brands to help you make a decision. When comparing the key features of different used oscilloscopes, you will want to make sure you are comparing apples to apples.

Simply comparing price and brand will not give you an accurate comparison. This is because many brands offer the same features. Therefore, when comparing the key features of different oscilloscopes, you want to make sure you are comparing model, brand, and model features. All of this will help you make an informed decision.

Validate the condition of the used oscilloscope

The final key step is to actually validate the condition of the used oscilloscope. This means you want to see the oscilloscope in person, inspect the condition, and test the functionality. You will likely make this step when you are still in the market to make sure you are actually getting a good deal.

When you are in the market to purchase a used oscilloscope, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement. This is often when you start believing that this oscilloscope is perfect for you. However, you will likely discover that the used oscilloscope doesn’t meet your needs. This can be a major disappointment. However, with some simple steps, you can make sure the oscilloscope you purchase has good value.

Summing up

Buying a used oscilloscope can be challenging. There are many factors to consider, and most of the time, used oscilloscopes are not in great condition. Thankfully, with a little research, you can find an affordable and reliable oscilloscope. When you do, we recommend you take the following steps. First, you want to know what you are looking for. Next, you will want to understand the differences between brands and models. Then, you will want to compare the key features of different osciloscopes. With this information, you will be able to validate the condition of the used oscilloscope, and make an informed purchase decision.